Making hardsub (hard subtitle) with VirtualDub

After downloading the softsub (soft subtitle) from the YouTube (tutorial here), now I’ll tell you how to make the softsub into hardsub (hard subtitle)

Hardsub means make the subtitle in the video, join the subtitle in the video, be in the same file.

After you make it into hardsub, you can’t change/edit the subtitle anymore.

So both of softsub and hardsub have their advantages and disadvantages.


If you know AegiSub, you can edit your subtitle there 🙂

Don’t forget to click the picture for bigger size

1. download VirtualDub first, here.

2. double click VirtualDub.exe to start VirtualDub

3. Click File, then choose “Open Video File”.

REMEMBER! The video file must be in AVI. format

4. Resize the video by clicking right in EACH video. Make sure you can see both of them 🙂

5. Click “Video” button on the toolbar, and press “Full processing mode”

6.And also “Full processing mode” in “Audio” toolbar

7. Click the “Video” button again, choose “Filters” ~> this is to add the subtitle

8. Press the “Add” button, and choose Subtitler. If you don’t have it, then choose Text Sub. Both of them are same.

9. Choose your softsub file by clicking the “…” button, then click “OK”

10. After that, make sure you can the subtitle by press the “play” button. Click the second “Play” button (the underlined one)

11. Choose “Audio” from toolbar, click “Compression”

12. I usually choose Microsoft ADPCM to compress the audio

13. Now, it’s time to compress the video. Click “video” button on the toolbar, then choose “compression”

14. I usually use Xvid MPEG-4 Codec. Press Configure. Then you can see a new box appeared. After you finished (look at the picture) click OK

15. Nah, it’s all finished. You only need to save the video ^^

Feel free to ask me =)


139 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    kira said,

    wow…cool…i’ll try to make hardsub then….thanks…:D

  2. 2

    chyntia said,

    disana ga ada pilihan subtitlernya chingu 😦

  3. 4

    Can I know where I can download filters??

  4. 5

    I don’t have subtitler or TextSub!! Where I can download it!??

    • 6

      chibimink said,

      can you download this?

      rename the .dll to .vdf and copy it to the VirtualDub plugins folder. The filter will then be available as “TextSub”.

      • 7

        bill said,

        hi admin,i have similar issue & the textsub already appear on filter…but when i click textsub filter the configuration box is not appear as the number 9 screenshot lead me to open vid back…what i supposed to do..thanks

      • 8

        chibimink said,

        Hi Bil, sometimes VirtualDub is easy to get error. I recommend you to restart your computer, then re-do it again.
        I also ever experienced that at the first time, so good luck ^^

  5. 9

    Judy said,

    Hello there and thank you so much for your tutorial! But I seem to be having a problem with my virtualdub. For some reason it won’t let me open my video file, even though it’s a .avi file. Do you know how I can fix this? Please and thank you 🙂

  6. 12

    ShimXam said,

    subtitlenya nggak muncul D:
    udah load subtitler.vdf tapi waktu klik tombol play kedua subnya nggak muncul. Tolong aku~
    makasih sebelumnya ^^

  7. 18

    Im having troubles again…it says there is no audio compressing codec…or something like that…what to do??

  8. 25

    Oh my god! You didn’t know how much it helped me! I’ve been into various video help and tech / troubleshooting sites but nothing worked. I ended up downloading so many softwares such as MeGui among others! But this one worked! And it’s so easy! Thank you so much 🙂

  9. 27

    hi just wanna ask. since you’re a kpop fan (me too!), i wonder if you have ever sub kdrama, because whenever i sub a 700mb video, my hardsubbed files are over 1gb even under compression. help please? ):

  10. 31

    maisarahazami said,

    hi there.. can u give me different link to download virtualdub.. i think mine is not working well which i downloaded it from the link above.. bcoz, my video doesnt show up in both output n input.. there is just one being displayed.. and i dont have both subtitler and textsub… please help me..

  11. 39

    de_cihuahua said,

    wah org indonesia toh hehehe
    mau tanya nih, klo mau bikin hardsub format video selain avi (flv, mp4, 3gp, dll) pake apa ya?trus klo mau convert video ke avi pake software apa?

    makasih ^^

    • 40

      chibimink said,

      hehe iya 🙂
      hmm aku kn pernah coba yg laen. tp krn aku mau pake sub dll, stelah baca2di google ga ada yg lbh bgs dr virtualdub. convert ny pake any video converter.

  12. 41

    eyeshield30 said,

    hey haloo, salam kenal
    mau nanya nih ini hardsubnya bakal jadi kaya file mkv ato beneran hard?

    file mkv biasanya emang nyatu subtitle nya tapi dia tetep bisa di on/off kan, tapi kalo bener2 hard, dia nempel di videonya, kayak vcd vcd bajakan gitu deh sub nya.

    jadi termasuk yang mana? thx sebelumnya

    • 42

      chibimink said,

      hi 🙂 kalo hardsub dy bakal nempel di videonya. ga bisa di on/off
      tapi kalo softsub bisa di on/off, bisa juga buat subtitle VCD/DVD

      • 43

        eyeshield30 said,

        sip, makasih banyak,, udah dicobain dan berhasil. Akhirnya ga usah nyipit2 in mata pas nonton di tivi haha.

        mau nanya lagi dong, kalo buat mkv bisa juga ga? ato harus dikonversi ke avi dulu?

    • 44

      chibimink said,

      wkwkwk sama” 😀
      bisa. tapi habis selesai di hardsub pake virtualdub, baru diconvert ke mkv. soalnya virtualdub ga bisa open file .mkv

      • 45

        eyeshield30 said,

        ane punya file mkv nih, trus pingin di hard sub kaya tadi. Cuma pas ane coba cara2 yg nemu di googling, itu cuma kaya masukin sub ke 1 file mkv. Jadi masih bisa di on/off gitu subtitle nya bro.

        Nah apa ada cara supaya bisa nempel juga subnya kayak di avi? ato mkv emang ga bisa di hardsub gitu?
        makasih lagi bro 😀

  13. 46

    hi! so i’m having a problem in text encoding. basically, what i have in my subs is Kanji (japanese characters), Romaji (romanized kanji), and english translation. i tried using the different text encoders in Aeugisub (when exporting a subtitle file to .ssa) but what i get is i could see the Kanji but the karaoke effects of it are gone and the kanji is upside-down. please help me on how to solve this problem. 😦 what should i use as a text encoder? thanks in advance!

  14. 50

    Ben Adam said,

    you are excellent excellent excellent :), your tutorial was easy, clear and effective thank you man! keep up with the good works

  15. 52

    risa said,

    hi, I’m having some problem with virtualdub 😦
    whenever I try to open a file, it always said “Couldn’t locate decompressor for format XVID. Virtual Dub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codec, such as those use by Windows Media Player, are not suitable.”

    What should I do?Do you know what is VFW?

    • 53

      chibimink said,

      Yes, I ever have the same case like this. Try to convert the video first. Convert the video into avi – XVID. Remember, always XVID. because it’s the only type of video can be used for virtualdub

    • 58

      risa said,

      I have, it still didn’t work

      • 59

        chibimink said,

        Maybe re-installing the virtualdub by re-downloading it? Somehow it works for me. Or maybe you should re-downloading the video though. Video and subs are always crazy ;A;

      • 60

        risa said,

        it works now! you’re genius~
        but i have a new problem now (i’m sorry,i think i ask too much…)
        it says no audio decompressor could be found to decompress the source audio format (source format tag:00ff)
        i read your previous comment,and tried to save as avi,but it kept saying that
        what should i do now?

      • 61

        chibimink said,

        have you compressed your audio? See around number 12. I usually choose Microsoft ADPCM to compress the audio

      • 62

        risa said,

        looks like i forgot to choose it,i feel so stupid…
        it works well now,thanks for your help~

      • 63

        Hello, I am having the same problem as u had.. i converted the file into avi xvid, and i tried to open it in virtualdub, it still says ”Couldn’t locate decompressor for format XVID. Virtual Dub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codec, such as those use by Windows Media Player, are not suitable.”

        how did u solve your problem earlier on?

  16. 64

    Asy said,

    Hello there. Do you know if there is any other software that can hardsub subtitle? Since I usually download from YouTube, it requires so much time to convert the video before hardsub using this VirtualDub. 😦

    • 65

      chibimink said,

      what do you mean here, “hardsub subtitle”? software which have the same function like virtualdub? if yes, I never use any other software. I use virtualdub only.

  17. 66

    seckvoon said,

    Hi, when i click video, then compression. I dont have Xvid MPEG-4 Codes. I want to use Microsoft video 1, what do i do next?

    • 67

      chibimink said,

      I’m not sure if it’s working or not. But why not try it? 🙂 It will be good if it can 😀
      If still can’t, which version did you download? Have you tried to re-install your virtualdub? Hope it works for you ^^

  18. 68

    kimi said,

    Hallo Chibimink^^

    Setelah hampir putus asa bwt nge-hardsub, akhirnya nemu pencerahan juga.
    #Cuma sedikit ada masalah di langkah ke-10, pas di-play, videonya ko jadi miring & warnanya berubah hitam-putih, di-cek hasil sub-nya, masih tetep sama (untungnya sub & audio masih ok). Kira-kira kenapa y?
    #Sekalian nanya, kalo pake Aegisub, text hanggulnya ko jadi kotak2 y?perlu di-setting bagian apanya?


    • 69

      chibimink said,

      Holla kimi~
      #Kalo kayak gitu, sepertinya ada masalah sama komputer kamu. Mungkin komputer kamu ga kuat play videonya,ato mungkin kompnya yang lagi error. Coba mungkin di restart komputernya, siapa tau jadi bisa 😀

      #kayaknya komp kamu juga mesti di setting supaya bisa ngenalin bahasa korea. udah di install korean font packnya?

    • 70

      indahradiska said,

      Anyyeong kimi, masalah kita hampir sama nih. Cuma saya pas proses dubbing-nya yg agak error. Setelah di-dub, yg keluar malah tulisan dan tanda baca aneh. Nah, kalo masalah yg begitu apanya yg mesti diubah/ditambah? maklum saya masih rookie dlm hal fansubbing. Gomawo sebelumnya

  19. 71

    buttaq_bottok said,

    thank u so much for ur tutorial!!! now i can produce my own video..thank u so much..i’m lovin’ this! 😀

  20. 73

    naila said,

    wah, it works! great tutorial…easy to follow!!
    two thumbs up!!!! 🙂

  21. 75

    RintarZahrina said,

    hai~ ^^ i have a problem, please help me~~~ sehabis aku pilih file untuk jadi hard subnya kenapa gak ada pilihan “…” button tapi langsung ke halaman utama filternya yah?
    Lalu habis aku pilih videonya diawal ada warning kayak gini “Variable Bitrate (VB) audio detected………” thank you 🙂

    • 76

      chibimink said,

      oh iya, aku juga sering kayak gitu. coba di re-open virtualdub nya. atau ga di restart komputernya. terkadang emg masalah di file vidoenya. mungkin coba kamu re-download videonya. atau convert dulu videonya. (dari .avi jadiin ke mp4 dulu, terus jadiin ke .avi lagi)

      • 77

        RintarZahrina said,

        Thanks for the help. Buat videonya That’s working. Tapi buat masukin file untuk jadi hardsubnya kok masih gak berubah yah? Aku udah restart berkali2 trus aku udah re-open plus instal uninstall virtualdubnya beberapa kali juga masih gak bisa T___T mohon pencerahannya. Hehe btw thanks udah mau jawab ^_^

      • 78

        chibimink said,

        maksudnya masukin file untuk jadi hardsub itu gimana?
        pas insert video, atau pas bikin videonya jadi hardsub?

  22. 79

    aerish said,

    hi! i have a problem on changing the styles and colors of the subtitles D:
    the style setting does not appear >,<
    when i click textsub it only says open file
    I can't adjust the color and the position of the subtitle

  23. 82

    Satyo said,

    Halo. Bisa gak kalo file subtitle-nya .ass?

  24. 84

    Creepy18 said,

    I did what you said but when was finished and i wanted to see my new hardsub, i didnt saw the sub only the movie. I dont know why because i did what you said…

  25. 86

    Meon-ah said,

    Hi there~
    I have a problem which i can’t load in the video file into VirtualDub though i already tried many ways. I even convert the video into .avi, but still can’t open. Why? Can you help solve my problem? Its been months already:(

    • 87

      chibimink said,

      Helo Meon ^^
      I also had that problem before. I tried to convert the video into .avi but still doesn’t work. So, I changed my converter. Ifi I may know, what video converter program do you use? I use “any video converter”. And make sure you also changed the video codec into XVID AVI. Sometimes the converter can be error, so you need to re-do it again
      Hope this will help you ^^

  26. 90

    lia-chan said,

    Kak mau nany niha, aku stuck di step 8. Kok aku ga nemu textsub/subtitler ya? Aku dah coba ganti jadi .vdf tetep aja gabisa.

    Salah dimana ya? Mohon bantuannya :”)

  27. 93

    wah bisa minta tolong??? aku mengalami kesulitan. aku coba pakek MKVtoolnix awalnya muncul tapi subtitle yang ada effect karaokenya gak bisa muncul. terus aku coba langkah di atas artikel itu. saat buka virtual dub. open file video format avi kenapa tidak bisa ada tanda X. bisa bantu??? pls balas. pusing gimana nyatuin video dan subtitlenya. terima kasih.

    • 94

      chibimink said,

      Tanda X kayak gimana sis? Coba kamu convert dulu video .avi ny ke XVID pakai any video converter (free download) biasanya meskipun avi tapi kalau bukan XVID emg ga bisa dibuka di virtualdub

  28. 95

    iya ini aku convert mengunakan Divx conventer baru bisa. tapi aku baru tau kalau virtualdub hanya baca srt ya?? lalau gimana cara ass ini jadi srt. soalnya aku coba export dengan agiesub menyimpan ke srt eror terus ==”

    • 96

      chibimink said,

      Virtualdub bisa baca ass kok sis
      Biasanya aku bisa kok. Sebenernya kayak gini, kalau ass itu yg bisa kita macem2in subtittlenya. Kasih efek, kasih warna dll
      Tapi kalau diubah jd .srt, subtittlenya kayak yg di DVD”bajakan kita biasa beli. Gitu sis

      • 97

        nah masalahnya sekarang setelah aku coba disana waktu ngeplay video itu tiba2 berhenti. nah jadinya lama banget. terus aku coba lagi gak pakek play dulu langsung aku comprais juga gitu lama. aku lagi bikin subtitle karaoke lagu gak jadi2 dari kemaren ribet banget. punya masukan gak??? terus kasih tau dong postingan nyatuin subtitle karaoke yang sudah ada effectnya dengan video kenapa aku gagal mulu ya. 4 hari nyoba bikin pensaran tapi juga bikin pusing. heheheheh … terima aksih sebelumnya

      • 98

        chibimink said,

        Wah jujur aku kalau yg ada effect cuma bisa buat karaoke doang yg berubah warna 😛
        kalau yg expert kayak di youtube”gitu blm, soalnya denger2 ribet n susah hehe
        Kamu ini effect ny bikin sendiri? :O
        boleh coba km ksh ke aku subtittlenya? Nanti aku coba, siapa tahu di tempatku berhasil 🙂

  29. 99

    theverocity said,

    omg, its so easy to make a hardsub actually. bunch thanks to you! 🙂

  30. 100

    Lemony Snicket said,

    Hey there! I tried step by step wisely but the subtitles just wont appear when i click the play button? Why is that?

  31. 104

    kward said,

    Where I must download a Textsub? Subtitler can’t read a .ass file.

  32. 106

    Boo said,

    which one is better virtualdub or xvid4psp?? or are they the same?

  33. 108

    Mieyha Eymma said,

    Hi~ Firstly, thank you for the tutorial, it help me once but this this time I’m having problem with it. When I tried to do step 3 (open video file) it going error saying “couldn’t locate decompressor for format ‘H264’ (unknown)”. By the way, my video is in avi format so I’m really curious what went wrong here.

    Then, please kindly look on my problem, thank you so much m(_ _)m

  34. 110

    hyphenated said,

    omg thank you so much! I learned so much from your post!

  35. 111

    amalia heriska said,

    Hi admin, thanks ya buat postnya..membantu bgt. aku mau nanya neh hasil akhir videonya setelah di kasi subtile dan diconvert , kualitas videonya nggak terlalu bagus, ada saran nggak gimana biar kualitas videonya setelah jadi tetap sebagus video aslinya?

  36. 113

    I try to open my avi format video file in virtualdub but it failed, it says ‘could not locale decompressor for format ‘avc1′ (unknown)

    Virtualdub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. Direct codec, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable’

    please help ><

    • 114

      I have went through all the comments and saw the same problem as mine. but i have converted my file to avi xvid, but i tried open it in virtualdub, it says could not locate the decompressor for format xvid :”( what should i do?

      • 115

        Sorry for the late reply. I just checked my email and found your email there
        Me also ever had that kind of situation. What you need know, be patient. I tried to convert the video to avi xvid using lots of video converter. Believe me or not, I even tried to convert using the same app for 3times and it suddenly works. Try to use any video converter. Try to resize the video, anything. try anything, even I need to restart my laptop also. It’s okay, it will work somehow 🙂

  37. 116

    Hi, thanks for the reply 🙂
    My problem is resolved now, I installed Koepi Xvid codec into my laptop, and I am able to open the avi Xvid video in virtualdub now 😀 Thanks!

  38. 118

    ekaaputri10 said,

    thanks for the tutorial :*

  39. 119

    tkanade said,

    Reblogged this on Tsuki Kanade RANDOMNESS.

  40. 120

    saya pernah upload video yang udah di hardsub subtittlenya ke youtube tapi pas saya cek ke youtube ternyata subtittlenya gaada itu kenapa ya?

    • 121

      Halo, sorry baru balas… Hmm mungkin ada kesalahan teknis atau salah klik sewaktu mau upload videonya? subtittle ny sudah jadisatu dengan vidoenya dengan virtualdub? Memang kadang sering error dengan virtualdub, jadi mungkin perlu dicek lagi 🙂

  41. 122

    seckvoon said,

    Hi, do you know, how can I convert my video from mp4 to xvid on any video converter without losing quality? Archos? creative zen?

    • 123

      Hi, sorry for the late reply. Yes, I usually use any video converter to convert my video without using the quality. Make sure that you choose “original” for quality section 🙂

  42. 124

    Gineva123 said,

    Hello there. I am from Philippines. And i want to do a hardsubbing. I installed Aegisub and Virtual Dub. Honestly, this is my first time.In short, I am a beginner. I have some questions:
    Do I have to install Vobsub aside from Aegisub and VirtualDub?
    I’ve searched from internet about Aegisub but I’m confused on how to use it? What is it to do with VirtulaDub?
    Do you have any ideas what software will I use for softsub?
    Pleas help me..Thanks in Advance..

    • 125

      Hey there! Nice to meet you 🙂
      You don’t need to install Vobsub, you can use Aegisub and VirtualDub instead.
      Here is tutorial how to use Aegisub
      VirtualDub is used to hardsub a video. So if you have the subtitle file and the video file. You can join both of them into a video. When the video and the subtitle become one, it means the video is hardsubbed.
      Yes, you can also watch the video with the subtitle. I usually use windows media player classic. insert the video and the sub, done 🙂

  43. 126


    I am having hard time with the opening of the video, it keep saying “couldn’t locate decompressor for xvid” or “the codec is not supported” and my video is avi. Please help, thanks.

    • 127

      I just went through the comments and found a same problem. I just hope it will work. I’m using any video converter, i tried all codecs but really stick with xvid and still won’t process but i never tried resizing the video because I want it to be atleast in bigger size which is only 720×480 and anything lower will ruin the quality. Patience is virtue, indeed.

      • 128

        chibimink said,

        Hi, I also ever had same problem. Then I tried to convert the video to mp4 first, then convert again into avi. Don’t know why, but somehow it works for me. Maybe you can try it 🙂

  44. 129

    junnosuke said,

    Hello 😀
    This one appears for me. I checked the comments but I can’t find anyone who asked about this:
    “Couldn’t locate decompressor for format ‘FMP4’ (unknown)

    Virtual Dub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codec, such as those use by Windows Media Player, are not suitable.”
    I tried re-downloading VirtualDub and downloading the video again and converting it to avi but I don’t know what I should do anymore. Please help me. 😦

  45. 133

    kchoding said,

    thank you very much !!! 😀

  46. 134

    ranchas said,

    virtualdub ada untuk mac? thank you

  47. 135

    Lek Chun Hou said,

    i have been trying out so many softwares and they dont work, your guide works perfectly for me!!!!


  48. 136

    Aashish Kohli said,

    hey sir pls tell me ..would dis disturb the video quality ??

  49. 138

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    Excellent job, cheers

  50. 139

    Evergreen Traffic Academy

    Making hardsub (hard subtitle) with VirtualDub | chibimink

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